Empire Natural Classic

Saturday, March 4, 2017 Riverside, CA

Event Location

Arlington High School
2951 Jackson Street
Riverside, CA 92503


Prejudging: 12 pm
Main Show: 5 pm


Dial: 951-734-3900
Click: [email protected]


General Information

Online Registration must be received two weeks prior to competition date to avoid $25 LATE FEE! Amateur Registration Fee Bundle Includes: Entry Fee $100, Testing Fee $50, and Processing Fee $5, Total $155. Additional Category $75
Contest includes all categories.
Prejudging $20, Main Show V.I.P $35, Backstage ALL DAY V.I.P $70








Host Hotel

Holiday Inn Express & Suites

Holiday Inn Express & Suites

1550 Circle City Drive.
Corona, CA 92879
(951) 479-4000
Group Code : NBA
Click Here for Website

Spray Tanning

EO Tan

EO Tan

****2 Locations*****
2395 Hammner Ave.
Norco,CA 92860
*Located in Tropical Rayz,Hamner and Third Street*

3679 Arlington Suite H
Riverside,CA 92506
*Located upstairs of Greenway Dental Offices*

*Inquire about Hair & Make-Up*


Men's Bodybuilding - Jr. Masters (35-39)


1st Place Mitchell Nelson


Men's Bodybuilding - Novice


1st Place Kairi Tanaka


Men's Bodybuilding - Open


1st Place Matthew Haggard
*PNBA Pro/Qualified & Most Muscular*
2nd Place Eddie Solomon
*Best Poser*


Classic Physique


1st Place Eddie Solomon


Men's Physique - Jr. Masters (35-39)


1st Place Mike Short


Men's Physique - Masters (40-49)


1st Place Julio Vera


Men's Physique - Novice


1st Place Akeem Wright
2nd Place Michaelangelo Sansano
3rd Place Garrett Saul


Men's Physique - Open


1st Place Akeem Wright
*PNBA Pro/Qualified*
2nd Place Gabriel Milbauer – WADA Tested (POSITIVE)
3rd Place Michaelangelo Sansano
4th Place Garrett Saul
5th Place Antonio Suarez


INBA Angels


1st Place Vera Vanguard
*PNBA Pro/Qualified*
2nd Place Criss Auguilera

Figure - Masters (40-49)

1st Place Marissa Heady

Bikini Mamas (3 & Under)

1st Place Aneesah Diaab-Johnson

Bikini Divas - Jr. Masters (35-39)

1st Place Aneesah Diaab-Johnson

Bikini Divas - Masters (40-49)

1st Place Vera Vanguard

Bikini Divas - Novice

1st Place Katelyn Huinker
*Most Symmetrical*
2nd Place Samantha Angosta
3rd Place Vivianne Lorenzana
4th Place Megan Rowls
5th Place Claudia Nunez
6th Place Janai Bell

Bikini Divas - Open (Short)

1st Place Stephanie Stoven
*PNBA Pro/Qualified & Overall Bikini Divas*
2nd Place Jessica Kaller
3rd Place Samantha Angosta

Bikini Divas - Open (Tall)

1st Place Katelyn Huinker
*PNBA Pro/Qualified*
2nd Place Megan Rowls
3rd Place Raven Douglass
*Best Presentation*
4th Place Aneesah Diaab-Johnson

Women's Sport Model - Open

1st Place Raven Douglass

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